Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Easy Odds Review

 Easy Odds  is a new program that is getting very popular.  This may be one of the most profitable programs of this year.  You earn commissions very quickly in this program.  We have been paid daily and the program just launched a few days ago.
The cost to join Easy Odds is $11 ($13.50 with admin fees).  This cost should not be an issue.  You earn this $11 back on your very first sale.  A sale in Easy Odds is a referral commission. You do not need to worry about recruiting as we have created a Team Build where we find the referrals for you.
The Compensation Plan
The compensation plan in Easy Odds is different than any other model.   Each sale is based on an Odd or Even number.  Your first sale is an Odd number and the 2nd Sale is an Even number.  This continues for your Odd Sales (3,5,7,9,...) and Even Sales (4,6,8,10,...).
On each Odd Sale you earn a 100% commission.  A commission is the upgrade fee.  
On each Even Sale you earn 100% Infinity Coded Matching Bonuses for everything that your Even Sales earn on their Even Sales downline.
There is a twist...
The commission from your Even Sales is passed up to your sponsor.  You do not need to worry about losing commissions because you will earn commissions on your referral's Even Referrals.
You will be earning on your downline upgrades.  There are 10 upgrade levels earning from $11 to $5120 in commissions.  In order to earn a commission you need to be at the same level or higher as your downline.  If your downline is at a higher level than you, your commission will be passed up to your upline.
We have seen a lot of these passup commissions.  It is best to always upgrade ahead of your downline at all times.  This way you will never lose a commission. in Easy Odds.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Expert author Obstacles

Follow the Article Writing Signs
Anyone will tell you: Success is not an overnight endeavor.
When you're traveling across country, in unfamiliar territory, you watch for road signs to help you navigate to your destination. "Exit 181" may not seem like much, but it's a milestone in your journey - you're almost there.
Article writing has these signs too; however, they aren't your typical roadmaps or highway markers. If they were, these milestones would likely include signs like "Patience at Next Right" to remind you that success often requires endurance. If you find yourself searching for a sign to help you navigate out of writing stale content, "Detour Ahead to Avoid Repetitive Content" is just on the horizon.
We've gathered the top 3 obstacles our most successful Expert Authors have met and will share how they overcame those obstacles to reach their destination: Success.
Slippery When Complacent
Whether it's lack of time or loss of momentum, complacency may settle in. This may include a lack of proofreading, not fact-checking, and using disreputable shortcuts. The attitude of "Meh, it's good enough," is the number 1 credibility and success killer. You don't need to write earth-shattering content that could win a Nobel Prize, but you should enjoy what you do - readers can sense it.
Strive to be engaged. Find those areas of your niche that you are passionate about or fascinate you. Stay up-to-date and maintain your authority in your niche by getting involved: Dig deeper into issues to find the truth, kindle discussion with peers in your niche, and ask your audience questions. Continue building on your experience and cultivate more unique insight. If you're engaged, your readers will be too.
Patience at Next Right
Having patience can be tough. Everyone would like success immediately; however, it rarely works that way. A musician practices. An athlete trains. An author writes. The best way to build your credibility platform and amplify your exposure is to keep writing and keep developing those article writing skills to reach and engage your audience.
Set aside time to write and then dedicate your full attention to the task to maximize your time. Organize your ideas and then begin. Your style and skills are a work in progress - keep refining, keep building, and keep up your momentum. Have patience with your success - it's just around the corner.
Audience Crossing
Are your articles relevant to your audience? Writing articles irrelevant to readers is like barreling through a pedestrian crosswalk.
Ask yourself: "So what?" with each article. Every one of your articles should matter and influence someone else positively. Leave your ego at the door and reread what you've written to consider how your audience will approach the topic.
Also, consider the keywords you are using. For instance, "write an article" has less competition than "writing articles," but they both have the same search rank. If I use "write an article," I have a better shot at actually reaching readers. Incorporate keywords naturally, so your articles read fluidly and reach your audience.
Derivative Roundabout Ahead
If you find yourself writing and rewriting the same topic, your readers will view you as a one trick pony, i.e. you're only knowledgeable on one topic.
Overcome this by expanding your niche and then discovering what information your audience wants. Approach topics from different angles and consider exploring areas you've always been curious about to expand your expertise. Either way, you will discover you have a lot more to say than you initially thought.
Broaden your horizons by broadening your niche and then narrow down areas of your niche in your articles to target specific segments of your audience. Keep up with your reader's interests! Write fresh articles based on new events in your niche to keep your articles relevant to your readers.
As you round your next turn in your article writing efforts, remember this: You can't say you're an expert on horses just because you've rode a horse once. Success takes practice, development, and respect for yourself and your audience. Use these tips next time you're feeling a little complacent, losing patience, letting your ego lead, or find yourself stuck in a topic. Leave these obstacles in the dust and get on the road to success.

Aussie Gold Matrix Review

 Aussie Gold Matrix is a cycler program similar to The Golden Path and Unstoppable Whirlwind.  Just like the other programs you are required to maintain a daily subscription.  Each day the program will purchase a new position into the first matrix.  You will then cycle from one matrix to the next while create re-entries into previous matrices.  This causes a chain of events to happen by creating a large number of matrices in a relatively short period of time.  You get paid each time you cycle from any matrix.
Aussie Gold Matrix has two admins that run the program.  They are Brenda and Ian.  Brenda designed the business plan while Ian handles all of the technical work.   Both admins work very hard and are admins that you can trust.
The Cycler
The cost of each position new costs $3.  You are required to purchase at least one subscription which will purchase one position per day.  The money used for the subscriptions is taken from your account balance.
Aussie Gold Matrix has two payment plans.  They are a standard plan and a monthly plan.
The standard plan is quite standard.  You decide how many subscriptions that you want to create.  The cost per subscription is $3 each.  The system will automatically purchase you a new position in the first matrix each day for each subscription that you have created.   You need to be very careful to make sure that you have enough money in your account balance to pay for your daily subscriptions.
The monthly plan is quite unique to this industry.  For a monthly payment of $80, the system will automatically create you one subscription.  Each day one position will be purchased into the first matrix.  At the end of 30 days you will have purchased 30 new positions into the first matrix.  This ends up costing about $2.67 per subscription vs $3.00 per subscription in the standard plan.  You need to make sure that you have $80 available in your account balance every 30 days.
There are 6 matrices to cycle.  You get paid to your account balance each time you cycle from a matrix.  In addition, cycling creates new positions in different matrices.
Cycle from Coal Matrix
You get paid $3.00
Re-entry into Coal Matrix
Creates you a new position in Zirconium Matrix
Cycle from Zirconium Matrix
You get paid $3.00
Re-entry into Zirconium Matrix
Creates you a new position in Coal Matrix
Creates you a new position in Silver Matrix

Cycle from Silver Matrix
You get paid $6.00
Re-entry into Silver Matrix
Creates you 2 new positions in Coal Matrix 
Creates you a new position in Gold Matrix
Cycle from Gold Matrix
You get paid $12.00
Re-entry into Gold Matrix
Creates you 4 new positions in Coal Matrix  
Creates you a new position in Diamond Matrix
Cycle from Diamond Matrix
You get paid $24.00
Your referral gets paid $9.00
Re-entry into Diamond Matrix 
Creates you 5 new positions in Coal Matrix  
Creates you a new position in Platinum Matrix
Cycle from Platinum Matrix
You get paid $156.00
Your referral gets paid $96.00
Creates you 12 new positions in Coal Matrix  
Creates you a new position in Gold Matrix
You may request a payment once per day and there is a 5% fee for withdrawals.  You may request a payment to Payza or Solid Trust Pay.
Aussie Gold Matrix is a long term cycler program.   Unlike cycler programs where you need to join early in order to cycle, members in this program will cycle anytime they join.   Just purchasing one position per day can result in hundreds of positions created later.  Since the daily subscriptions are purchasing new positions in the matrix, the cycling should never stall at Aussie Gold Matrix.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Unstoppable whirlwind review

This site just launched today.  Its a 2x2 cycler and No Recruiting is needed.  You will want to join this one.
The cyler is fast moving.  You are required to purchase a daily subscription of $3 per position.  When you cycle through all 6 matrices you will earn a total of  $508. 
Everybody enters the matrix from the company top position just like in The Golden Path and Unstoppable Whirlwind.  This is one main difference.  You are joining before anyone else knows about this program.  Income Club was given the very first position in the company matrix and you can follow us.  Just think what it would have been like to earn all of those thousands of dollars if you were one of the first people to join The Golden Path or Unstoppable Whirlwind. Now you have this opportunity to be first before the big promoters start promoting this program. 
This is how it works...
You need to purchase at least one daily subscription for $3.  You may purchase up to 100 subscriptions.  Each subscription places one position in the forced matrix.  You start with the very first matrix.  There are 6 matrices all together:
Coal Matrix
You get paid $3.00
You get a re-entry into the Coal Matrix
You get an entry into the Zirconium Matrix
Zirconium Matrix
You get paid $5.00
You get a re-entry into the Zirconium Matrix
You get an entry into the Coal Matrix
You can en entry into the Silver Matrix
Silver Matrix
You get paid $10.00
You get a re-entry into the Silver Matrix
You get an entry into the Coal Matrix
You can an entry into the Gold Matrix
Gold Matrix
You get paid $20.00
You get a matching bonus of $15.00
You get a re-entry into the Gold Matrix
You get an entry into the Coal Matrix
You get an entry into the Diamond Matrix
Diamond Matrix
You get paid $20.00
You get a matching bonus of $15.00
You get a re-entry into the Diamond Matrix
You get 30 entries into the Coal Matrix
You get an entry into the Platinum Matrix
Platinum Matrix
You get paid $450.00
You get a matching bonus of $50.00
You get an entry into the Gold Matrix
You get 30 entries into the Coal Matrix
As you can see the number of matrices that you receive just keep multiplying on each cycle.  This is in additional to the daily new Coal Matrix entries will be receive from your subscription.